How Parents Invest in their Children’s Cultural Capital throughout Schooling: Comment on Jæger and Breen, American Journal of Sociology (in press) [Working paper] 

Education and the Paradox of Perceived Discrimination, World Politics (accepted) with Margarita Gelepithis [Working paper]

Military Culture and Institutional Trust: Evidence from Conscription Reforms in Europe, American Journal of Political Science 68(2): 714-729 with Vincenzo Bove and Riccardo Di Leo [Working paper] Awarded NEPS MEDAL for the best publication in Peace Science 2024. Featured in AJPS blog,,  De Morgen,  Economic Observatory, El Confidencial,,  Il Mulino Rivista, Italia Oggi, Latvia Sabredriskie Mediji,, LSE European Politics & Policy, Kcl news, Knowledia, National affairs, PubBrusselsAffairs,  Ro TV online, The Loop ECPR, Vox EU

Does Schooling Increase Political Belief Accuracy?, Political Studies (first view) with Riccardo Di Leo [Working paper]  

Wait and See? Public Opinion Dynamics after Terrorist Attacks, Journal of Politics 85(3): 843-859, 2023 with Mariaelisa Epifanio and Ria Ivandic [Working paper 

Household Education Gaps and Gender Role Attitudes, Political Science Research and Methods 10(4): 823-830, 2022 with David Hope and Øyvind Skorge [Working paper

Inclusion without Solidarity: Education, Economic Security, and Attitudes toward Redistribution, Political Studies 70(1): 45-61, 2022 with Margarita Gelepithis [Working paper]

Global Racist Contagion following Donald Trump's Election,  British Journal of Political Science 51(3): 1332-1339, 2021 with Pierre-Guillaume Méon [Working paper] Featured in Kcl news, National Affairs, Paris Match,,, SolvayTimes

Fear without Prejudice in the Shadow of Jihadist Threat, Comparative Political Studies 54(6): 1058-1085, 2021 [Working paper

The Effect of COVID-19 Lockdowns on Political Support: Some good news for democracy?, European Journal of Political Research 60(2): 497-505, 2021 with Damien Bol, Andre Blais and Peter J Loewen [Working paper]  Featured in Alternatives Economiques, Democratic Audit, Democratic Decay, Democracy digest, EU report, Kcl news, L'Echo, La Libre, Le Vif, LSE blog, PsyPost, RTBF, UDEM Nouvelles, VoxEU, World Pandemic Research Network

Terrorist Attacks and Minority Perceived Discrimination, British Journal of Sociology 72(2): 286-299, 2021 with Luca Merlino [Working paper]

It's a (coarsened exact) match! Non-parametric imputation of European abstainers' vote, Political Science Research and Methods 9(2): 445-450, 2021 with Damien Bol [Working paper]   

Electoral Competition through Issue Selection, American Journal of Political Science 59(1): 71-90, 2015 with Enriqueta Aragonès and Micael Castanheira [Working paper] [Supplementary appendix]