Marco Giani, PhD


Office:  7.13 Bush House NE wing 


Bio. Welcome to my website. I am an Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) in the Department of Political Economy at King's College London.         

Before joining DPE, I was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Government Department at the London School of Economics. I obtained a PhD in Political Economy from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (2017) and a BA in Social Science from the Università degli Studi di Firenze (2008). In between, I worked for UNICEF and the European Commission.      


I research the relationship between social cleavages and political values across European societies. The main focus is on how education divides social groups on cultural values, but I also work on civil-military and majority-minority attitudinal divergence amid political violence. Methodologically, I specialise in causal inference on observational data, including archival, survey and text data.    

At King's, I teach "Statistics for History and Politics" for UG students and "Politics of Discrimination" for MA students. I look forward to supervising PhD students with interdisciplinary backgrounds interested in the historical and contemporary relationship between politics and society. You're very welcome to email me about your research.   

   Selected work

Education and the Paradox of Perceived Discrimination, World Politics 78(2), 2025 with M Gelepithis  

How Parents Invest in their Children's Cultural Capital throughout Schooling: comment, American Journal of Sociology 130(5), 2025  

Military Culture and Institutional Trust: Evidence from Conscription Reforms, American Journal of Political Science 68(2), 2024 with V Bove and R Di Leo  

Wait and See? Public Opinion Dynamics after Terrorist Attacks, Journal of Politics 85(3), 2023 with M Epifanio and R Ivandic 

Global Racist Contagion following Donald Trump's Election, British Journal of Political Science 51(3), 2021 with P-G Méon 

Fear without Prejudice in the Shadow of Jihadist Threat, Comparative Political Studies 54(6), 2021  

Terrorist Attacks and Minority Perceived Discrimination, British Journal of Sociology 72(2), 2020 with L Merlino 

Electoral Competition through Issue Selection, American Journal of Political Science 59(1), 2015 with E Aragonès and M Castanheira  


   In progress

The Recruitment Crisis in European Militaries, Cambridge University Press (under contract, Elements in Defense studies) with V Bove and R Di Leo

The Political Economy of the Bologna Process, OSF working paper 

Equal in Private, Unequal in Public? Coeducation and Sexism in the Soviet Union, OSF working paper with K Krakowski